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Benign Liver Tumors


• Metastases are the most common cause of malignant masses seen in the liver. GIS (in the foreground) cancers metastasize to the liver most frequently.
• The most common primary benign tumor of the liver is hemangioma.
• The most common primary malignant tumor of the liver is hepatocellular carcinoma.

Benign Tumors


• They are usually asymptomatic.
• Hemangiomas are most common in the liver in adults.
• The most common type is cavernous hemangioma and is located under Glisson's capsule.
• In contrast-enhanced CT/MR, it is hypodense in the middle and shows enhancement in the periphery.

Hepatic Adenoma

• It is frequently seen in women and is closely related to the use of oral contraceptives.
Contrast-enhanced CT/MR shows smooth and homogeneous contrast enhancement.
• It may cause bleeding as a result of intraabdominal rupture.
• It has a malignant potential, albeit low.

Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

The relationship between focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) and oral contraceptive (OCS) is controversial; however, OCS can cause the growth of existing FNH.
• Enhanced central scar is the typical finding on contrast-enhanced CT/MR.

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