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Septic Arthritis


• The most common causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus.

• Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the most common cause in the sexually active young population.

• Gr (-) agents (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) may cause septic arthritis in immunocompromised patients or IV drug addicts.

• Staphylococcus epidermidis may be the cause after arthroscopic procedures or prosthetic joint surgery.

• P. aeruginosa is considered in arthritis that develops as a result of a sharp object penetrating the shoe.

• Anaerobic agents can be seen as a result of joint spread of human bite, decubitus ulcer or intra-abdominal infections.

• Polymicrobial infection may develop as a result of complicated traumatic injury.


• Microorganisms most commonly reach the joint from a distant infection by hematogenous route.

clinical finding

• Acute onset monoarthritis is the most common type of presentation.

• The knee joint is most commonly involved.

• The involved joint is swollen and red. It is extremely painful and sensitive. Movement in the joint is limited.

• Often there is a high fever.

Laboratory findings

• Complete blood count shows leukocytosis, left shift in peripheral smear, and increased acute phase response.

• The number of white blood cells in the joint fluid is more than 50,000/mm3, and more than 80-90% is polymorphonuclear leukocytes.

• Synovial fluid glucose level is low.

Disseminated gonococcal infection

• A special clinical picture develops in some gonococcal infections.

• Migratory polyarthralgia, tenosynovitis and rash (hemorrhagic pustule) are seen in this picture.

• These findings develop as a result of the immune response against circulating gonococci and the accumulation of the formed immune complexes in the tissues.

• Therefore, in these patients, the blood culture may be positive, while the synovial fluid culture is usually negative.


• Septic arthritis is a medical emergency. Delay in treatment may cause irreversible joint damage.

• As soon as the diagnosis is made, drainage should be done + culture should be taken + empirical antibiotics should be started immediately.

• Antibiotic treatment and duration are determined according to the culture result;

o The duration of antibiotic treatment should be 1-2 weeks in gonococcal arthritis and 2-4 weeks in staphylococcal arthritis.

o Ceftriaxone is the first choice in gonococcal arthritis. Treatment of staphylococcal arthritis depends on antibiotic susceptibility.

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