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Gallbladder Cancer And Risk Factors

• Its frequency increases over the age of 60 and is 2-3 times more common in women.

• Risk factors:

porcelain pouch

gallbladder stone

Gallbladder adenoma/polyp (> 10mm)

• The most common pathological type is adenocarcinoma and they secrete mucin.

• They usually start from the fundus and spread locally to the surrounding tissues.

• The most common presenting symptom is abdominal pain. Nausea, vomiting, weight loss and jaundice are common accompanying symptoms.

• Abdominal USG is first performed in a patient with a suspected gallbladder tumor.

• MRCP is the most successful test in detecting and staging the tumor.

• The diagnosis is usually finalized during laparotomy.

• The case with suspected tumor is given to surgery if there is no evidence of metastasis. Thus, both the diagnosis is finalized and treatment is realized for resectable cases.

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