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Lesions Of The Cerebellum And Lesions Associated With The Cranial Nerves

Cerebellum Syndrome

Findings are on the SAME side as the lesion.

Clinical manifestations of cerebellar lesion

• Dyssynergia, dysmetria, dysdiadocokinesia

• Tremor, dysarthria, nystagmus

• Ataxia, tone disorder, pendular movement

• Asthenia - fatigue

• There is no rest tremor but action tremor.

Anatomical classification

1. Vermis cerebelli: The flocculonodular lobe (archioserebellum) is related to the vestibular system.

2. Nuclei cerebelli (nucleus fastigii): It is the main cerebellar nucleus related to the vestibular system

It is examined in three sections in terms of its functions:

1. Vestibulocerebellum: Provides  Balance

2. Spinocerebellum: Provides movement and muscle tone

3. Cerebrocerebellum: Provide planning of extremity movements

Cranial Nerve Syndromes

Posterior Cerebral Artery Syndromes

• Its main features are 3 CN being affected.

• If contralateral hemiplegia and mydriasis are together, it is called Weber syndrome.

In lower pons lesions, hemiplegia on the opposite side of the lesion is accompanied by abducens and facial nerve paralysis of the same side (Millard Gubler syndrome)

Cranial nerve anatomies

Brain extension ......................... 1,2

Mesencephalon ....................... 3,4

Pons .................................. 5,6,7,8

Bulbus ................................ 9,10,11,12

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