Maralgia Paresthetica
0 N. cutaneus femoralis lateralis superfisialis is compressed.
0 It is most commonly compressed in the inguinal region. It is very painful.
0 It is usually seen in obese patients.
0 May be exacerbated by the use of tight belts or corsets, and by standing or walking for long periods of time.
0 Muscle strength is not affected
1. Brachycephaly Caused by premature closure of bilateral coronal sutures.
2. Scaphocephaly occurs with closure of saggital sutures (most common).
3. Oxicephaly Sagittal and coronal sutures are always closed, lambdoid sutures are often closed.
4. Trigonocephaly occurs with premature closure of the metopic (frontal) suture.
5. Plagiocephaly One half of the sutura coronalis has closed prematurely.