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Classification of the ace

The ace is classified according to the condition of the body, the color of the face, and the condition of the hanging rope.

According to the Condition of the Body

full ace

The ace where the feet do not touch the ground and the whole body is suspended in space.

half (incomplete) ace

Hanging in which the feet or part of the body is in contact with the ground.

According to the condition of the hanging rope in the neck

type ace

It is an ace shape where the knot is on the nape.

atypical ace

It is the hanging shape where the knot is on the sides or front of the neck. (The definition of atypical hanging is used by some authors to describe an incomplete hanging)

According to the Color of the Face

a) white ace

Ace in which the color of the face is pale-white.

b) purple ace

Ace in which the color of the face is dark purplish. In typical hanging, the face is pale as a result of bilateral complete closure of the neck blood vessels, but in atypical hanging, the face is dark purplish in color due to venous stasis, while arterial circulation continues due to the incomplete closure of the neck vessels on both sides. The white hanging is valid for cases where death occurs suddenly due to vagal inhibition and sufficient time has not elapsed for classical asphyxia findings to occur.

Special Terms Used to Define Ace

Hanging tool (hanging rope)

All kinds of rope (tie) used in hanging or materials that can replace rope, such as fabrics, clothes, sheets, belts, scarves, belts, handkerchiefs, cords, wires, chains.

Rope track The trace created by the rope on the skin of the neck.

Ace wire (hang line)

A rope mark on the neck of the hanger.

hanging point (fixed point)

It is the point where the hanging tool is attached. Places such as a nail, hook, beam or tree branch on the ceiling wall are used in full hanging, and places such as windows, doors, cabinet handles, heaters, water pipes are used in incomplete hangings.

knot (loop)

The rope around the neck is usually fixed by making a "knot". Sometimes the rope can be threaded longitudinally or in the form of a lasso, without making any knots.

knot track

The part of the wire that coincides with the knot, the trace formed by the knot on the skin.


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