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Intracerebral Hemorrhage

General Information

• It is the second most common cause of stroke.

• Age is among the most important risk factors.

• It is more common in men.

Bleeding settlements

• Half of the hemorrhages are in the basal ganglia (most common putamen)

• Thalamus, pons, cerebellum, white matter


• Hypertension

• Secondary to vascular surgery

• After congenital heart disease repair surgery in children

• Physical factors (physical loading, exposure to cold..)

• Vascular anomalies

• Amyloid angiopathy (must be kept in mind in recurrent bleeding)

• Tumoral hemorrhages

• Bleeding due to coagulation disorders

• Others


• Computed tomography (without contrast)

• It is the first diagnostic test.

• Magnetic resonance imaging

• It is not useful in the early period.

• It can be used for follow-up, angiopathic conditions, vascular malformations.

• Angiography


• Medical and surgical

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