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Duplications In The Digestive Tract

 The majority of them are firmly attached to the adjacent alimentary canal and have a well-developed muscular wall.

0 They are usually located between the mesenteric leaves on the mesenteric face.

0 Duplications in the digestive tract are most common in the intestine, here also in the small intestine. They are most commonly located in the terminal ileum, followed by the ileocecal region and the esophagus, respectively.

0 Duplications in the rib cage often cause respiratory distress. In the PA chest X-ray, an increase in density is usually observed on the right.

0 There are 3 types as cystic, tubular and intramural, and they are the most common cystic duplications.

0 The most common anomaly with duplications is hemivertebra.


• It varies according to localization and whether it contains ectopic mucosa.

• They can cause asymptomatic or symptomatic intra-abdominal mass, rectal bleeding, intestinal obstruction, volvulus and intussusception.

• Abdominal pain due to obstruction and perforation occurs.

• Vomiting is especially evident in those located in the duodenum.

• They can transform into adenocarcinoma in adults.

• Perforation is usually seen in the last part of the ileum.

• Meconium peritonitis occurs after perforations that occur above the gastrointestinal tract obstructions.


• Giant mass is seen on ADBG, ultrasound and CT.

• Scintigraphy is useful in the differential diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulum in bleeding cases.


• Surgery

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