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Photopsy And Eye Floaters

Floaters (Muche Volante, floaters):

Retinal tear should be sought in cases such as concomitant flashing of light (photopsy), acute onset, accompanying vitreous hemorrhage.

 Posterior vitreous detachment

 Vitreous hemorrhage

 Intermediate or posterior uveitis

 Retinitis seen in immunocompromised patients

Photopsy And Eye Floaters

Flashes of light (photopsy):

Flashes of light are felt during vitreous traction, which occurs when a retinal tear or posterior vitreous detachment occurs.

 Beginning of retinal detachment

 Beginning of migraine attack

 Moore's phenomenon: It occurs when the eye is rubbed in the dark and sudden glances to the right and left.

 Mechanical stimulation of the retina in blunt traumas 

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