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Gastrointestinal System Radiology

Direct Abdominal X-rays

• In intestinal obstruction, enlargement and air-fluid levels are seen in intestinal segments.

• Air can be seen under the right diaphragm in patients with perforation.

• The first examination in the diagnosis of free air in the abdomen is direct radiographs.

• The most sensitive type of direct radiography in the diagnosis of free air in the abdomen is standing chest radiography. Standing chest X-ray is more sensitive than standing direct abdominal X-ray.

Barium Reviews

• It is a conventional digestive system imaging method.

• In studies performed with only barium administration, more passage opening is evaluated, while in double contrast studies, it is aimed to examine the mucosa.

• Esophagus, stomach and intestinal loops can be evaluated with barium radiographs.

Colon radiographs

• Double contrast is always shot. Barium and air are given through the rectum.

Computed Tomography

• It is the most sensitive radiological imaging method for free air in the abdomen.

CT Colonoscopy

• It is used as an alternative to colonoscopy in colorectal carcinoma screening.


• It is the first examination to be performed due to its superiority and ease in imaging soft tissues.

• Gas is the most important obstacle in ultrasonographic examination of the intestines.


The use of MRI in the gastrointestinal tract is limited. 

Gastrointestinal System Radiology

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