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If at rest (no accommodation) the image is focused behind the retina, it is called hyperopia.

Where distant objects are clear and near ones are blurry.

1- Axis hyperopia:

Since the anteroposterior axis of the eye is shorter than normal, the image is behind the retina.

It is the most common type of hyperopia.

Convex lenses are used in its treatment.

2- Curvature hyperopia:

In the cornea plana, corneal curvature and refraction are reduced and the image falls behind the retina.

3- Refractive (index) hyperopia:

If the intraocular lens is not placed after cataract surgery, the patient becomes aphakic and usually +10 diopters of hyperopia.

4- Transient (iatrogenic) hyperopia:

It is seen in the hypoglycemic period in diabetes mellitus.

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