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Timing in Surgical Interventions

0 Capillary hemangiomas and hemangioendotheliomas show spontaneous regression. Corticosteroids are used to speed it up.

0 Lymphangioma is a hamartomatous malformation of the lymphatic system. It is most common in the cervical region. Recurrence is high after elective surgery.

0 In cleft lip, 6 weeks are expected for hidden anomalies and medical problems.

0 Cleft palate, defects not involving bone are closed at 6-8 months of age.

0 Syndactyly should be corrected at 6 months if there is fusion of the fingertips.

0 Polydactyly is operated at the age of 3 months for finger development.

0 During the neonatal period of torticollis, compelling, muscle-stretching massage and exercise should be done. If the muscle is short, it is cut.

0 Hydrocele is physiological in the newborn and disappears in 3 weeks. After 18 months, surgical intervention can be applied to very tight hydroceles.

0 Inguinal Herni: Surgery should be performed under elective conditions without long-term delay.

0 Umbilical Hernia: Most of them close spontaneously. Surgical indications:

1. Thin, atrophic, umbilical scar

2. Rapid growth of the defect

3. If the defect still has not shrunk after 2 years of age

4. Incarceration

0 Undescended Testicle: 1-2 years old is the optimal time for surgical treatment.

0 Hypospadias: If there is a ventral curvature of the penis, relaxation of the fibrous tissues is required. The most suitable age is around 1-2 years old.

0 Extrophia vesica: In the first 3 days, the pubis bones can be brought together after the bladder is repaired, without the need for osteotomy.

0 Familial polyposis: Excision is made with the juvenile polyposis. Familyal In polyposis, total colectomy should be performed before puberty or before 10 years of age.

0 Portal hypertension: 5 years for a portocaval shunt and 7 years for a splenorenal shunt is the optimal time.

0 Aganglionic megacolon: Colostomy should be performed in the neonatal period, and definitive surgery should be performed when the child reaches 10 kg.

0 Biliary atresia: If obstructive jaundice persists, surgical intervention should be performed in 8 weeks.

0 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: It can be treated in the intrauterine period. To prevent lung hypoplasia, the trachea is occluded and stimulation of surfactant and growth factors is provided in the lung.

Timing in Surgical Interventions

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