Adenoviral Conjunctivitis
It is the most common viral conjunctivitis.
A) Pharyngoconjunctival fever:
It is the most common ocular adenovirus infection.
The most common agents are adenovirus type B (3, 4, 7 and 21.)
The classic triad is pharyngitis, fever and conjunctivitis.
It passes through the droplet.
It causes follicular conjunctivitis.
Punctate epithelial keratitis develops in 30% of cases but is rarely serious.
Preauricular lymph node may be seen.
It regresses spontaneously in an average of 2 weeks.
B) Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis:
The causative agent is Adenovirus types 8, 19 and 37.
It is the most serious ocular adenovirus infection.
It causes bilateral acute follicular keratoconjunctivitis in which the involvement is more severe in the first affected eye.
Preauricular lymph node may be seen.
It is easily transmitted and easily causes epidemics.
Unlike pharyngoconjunctival fever, systemic findings are not accompanied, but the risk of punctate epithelial keratitis is higher (80%).
Spontaneous recovery is expected within two weeks. Sometimes this period may be longer.
Herpes simplex conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis may occur in cases with primary herpes infection.
Herpetic vesicles are conspicuous on the eyelids and periorbital skin.
Follicular conjunctivitis is seen in the ipsilateral conjunctiva.
Its association with keratitis with corneal dendrites is common.
Preauricular lymph node is typical.
3% acyclovir is used in the treatment.
In cases with keratitis, corticosteroids are contraindicated and used as they will exacerbate the infection.
Geographic Ulcer may develop.
Repeat May cause lateral dendritic keratoconjunctivitis.
Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (Apollo XI conjunctivitis):
The causative agent is Enterovirus type 70. Other factors are the Coxsackie A24 and Adenovirus
There are diffuse subconjunctival hemorrhages.
Measles conjunctivitis
Conjunctival Koplik spots similar to Koplik spots in the mouth are seen at the same time as eruptions on the skin.