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Take Care of The Wound And Burn

Blood helps clean wounds, so a little bleeding is good, Soothe and clean the wound with cool water, Then remove any pebbles or splinters with alcohol-sterilized tweezers
Do not use irritating soap, iodine, alcohol, or hydrogen peroxid clean water should be all
Do You Need an Antibiotic Cream?
Antibiotic creams and ointments keep wounds moist and they can reduce the risks of infection
To Bandage or Not to Bandage?
If your scrape will be rubbed by clothes, cover it with a bandage. An uncovered scab or scrape is at risk of reopening or infection, then change the bandage daily
Care for Minor Burns
cool the area right away with a cold cloth or cool running water to keep the skin from holding the heat and continuing to burn
then wash the burn with soap and water and dress it lightly. Leave any blisters that form alone -- they help to protect the skin as it heals
Recognizing Signs of Infection
if you got skin redness , swelling, green or yellow fluid, or increased warmth or tenderness around the wound, you may have an infection Other signs include swollen lymph nodes at your neck, armpit, or groin, as well as body aches, chills
See a Doctor About a Wound if
won't stop bleeding after 5-10 minutes of pressure
is deeper or longer than a half-inch
is near the eye
is gaping or ragged
was caused by something dirty or rusty
has dirt or gravel stuck in it
is very painful
shows signs of infection
or was caused by an animal or human bite
if you aren't sure if you're up to date on your tetanus vaccine
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