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Behçet's Disease

 • Behçet's disease is a systemic vasculitis.

• It is involved in all sizes (small-medium-large) and in any vessel (arteries-venes) (variable vessel vasculitis).

• It usually starts between the ages of 20-30.

• The K/E ratio is approximately 1. However, more severe involvement is seen in men.

• Behçet's disease is associated with HLA-B51.

• Infectious agents (especially streptococci) may trigger symptoms.

Clinical Findings

• Oral ulcers (recurring)

It is an indispensable diagnostic criterion. It is seen in almost all patients (97% to 100%).

o Usually small (< 10 mm) and painful. It heals without scarring in 1-2 ropes.

• Genital ulcers (recurring)

o Less common than oral ulcers but more specific.

o It takes longer to heal than an oral ulcer and may leave a scar while healing.

• Skin findings

o Folliculitis, erythema nodosum, papulopustular lesions, acneiform eruptions

o Pathergy phenomenon:

It is considered as a hyperreactivity reaction to nonspecific stimuli.

The development of a papule or aseptic pustule 24-48 hours after sterile needle insertion into the skin makes the test positive.

Pathergy test is highly specific for Behçet's disease.

• Eye involvement

o Bilateral panuveitis is the most feared complication of Behçet's disease.

o All eye layers can be involved.

• Arthritis

o It is usually nonerosive, no deformity is expected.

o Oligoartricular and asymmetrical involvement is seen (frequently affects the knee and ankle).

• Vascular involvement

o Superficial/deep vein thrombosis may develop. Thrombophlebitis may be seen. However, pulmonary embolism is rare because the thrombi are firmly attached to the vessel.

o Thrombosis may develop in the superior or inferior vena cava.

o Arterial involvement is less than venous involvement. In arteries; occlusion, aneurysm, bleeding, etc. can be seen.

o Pulmonary artery vasculitis;

• May cause aneurysm in the pulmonary artery.

• It can give clinic with dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis etc.

Pulmonary embolism must be excluded. If anticoagulant - thrombolytic therapy is given, fatal pulmonary hemorrhage may develop.

• CNS involvement / Neurobehçet

o Parenchyma! involvement (80%)

• Often the brain stem is involved.

o Non-parenchymal involvement (20%)

• Cerebral sinus vein thrombosis is common.

• GIS involvement;

o It mimics Crohn's disease clinically and colonoscopically.

o It frequently involves the ileocecal region.

• Other involvements; epididymoorchitis, amyloidosis.

laboratory findings

• HLA-B51 is found in approximately 60-70% of patients. However, it is not suitable for use as a diagnostic test because it is frequently detected in the healthy population.


International Working Group Classification Criteria for Behçet's Disease

Recurrent oral ulcer and at least two of the following findings;

• Recurrent genital ulcer

• Eye involvement

• Skin lesions

• Pathergy test positivity

Prognosis and Treatment

• Attacks may become infrequent over the years, and disease activity decreases over time.

• If there is no CNS or major vessel involvement, life expectancy is normal.

• The most serious complication in these patients is vision loss.

• Organ involvement is decisive in the treatment;

o Mucocutaneous lesions: Topical steroid, apremilast

o Mucocutaneous lesions + arthritis: Colchicine

o Uveitis / Neurobehçet: Steroid, azathioprine, cyclosporine, Anti TNF

o Pulmonary artery vasculitis: Cyclophosphamide

Rheumatological diseases and uveitis

Behçet's disease - Bilateral panuveitis

Ankylosing spondylitis - Unilateral anterior uveitis

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