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Hepatopancreaticobiliary System Changes in Old Age

- Liver mass and blood flow decrease with aging.
- After surgical resection, hepatic proliferation decreases.
- Liver function tests (transaminase, ALP, bilirubin), coagulation factors (INR, APTT) do not change.
- Serum albumin decreases somewhat, but remains within the normal range.
- Serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels increase.
- Changes in drug metabolism:
• Phase 1 reactions (oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis) decrease.
• Phase 2 reaction (conjugation) Unchanged.
- With aging, bile becomes more lithogenic, the prevalence of cholelithiasis increases.
- Changes such as lubrication and fibrosis are seen in the pancreas. Exocrine secretions of the pancreas decrease with age, but clinically exocrine pancreatic insufficiency does not develop.
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