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Lumbal Puncture (Lp)

It is done for two purposes:

1. Taking a CSF sample for analysis

2. CSF drainage and pressure reduction

0 It is most commonly taken from the L3-L4 range in adults. This level is at the level of the iliac crest.

0 Second most frequently done from the L4-L5 range.

0 All ranges from L2/L3 to L5/S1 are safer since the spinal cord ends in L1.

0 Skin - adipose tissue -supraspinous ligament - interspinous ligament - epidural space -dura mater - arachnoid meter - subarachnoid space is reached.


 CSF pressure measurement

 Cell, chemical and bacteriological examinations (subarachnoid hemorrhages, meningitis, encephalitis)

 Administration of radiopaque material for myelography, cisternography

 For therapeutic purposes: Chemotherapy (eg cytosine arabinoside injection)


 Suspected intracranial mass

 Local infection at the LP site (the procedure must be sterile)

 Thrombocytopenia and PT-PTT prolongation

 Suspicion of increased intracranial pressure

Diseases for which intracranial hypertension is not contraindicated:

 Meningitis

 Subarachnoid hemorrhage

 Benign intracranial hypertension

In most cases, LP should be performed after the space-occupying lesion has been ruled out by CT.


 The most common complication is headache {33%)

 Tonsillar herniation

 Epidural bleeding

 LP Results: Pressure: 180 - 200 mm Hp (in the Subarachnoid range), appearance: clear, cells: Absent (5 mononuclear lymphocytes/ml, O erythrocytes/ml), protein: 15 - 40 mg/dl, glucose: Simultaneous when assessing blood sugar should be taken. If it is less than 2/3 of the blood value, it is pathological.

Clinical pictures seen in CNS Infections

1- Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges. Neck stiffness, fever are seen. Meningeal thickening and enhancement occur on contrast-enhanced CT.

2- Encephalitis is the inflammation of the brain parenchyma. Seizures, changes in consciousness, fever are observed.

CT is normal in the early period.

3- abscess: It is the circumscribed inflammation of the brain parenchyma.

 Most common cause in adults: Chronic otitis is most common in the temporal lobe through the neighborhood.

 Most common cause in child: Cyanotic congenital heart diseases; most common location middle cerebral artery distribution

4- Vasculitis. It is an inflammation of vascular structures.


Increasing Cell













Very Slightly Increased or Normal Meningitis CSF findings


Xanthochromic CSF

CSF is yellow.

1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage: Subarachnoid hemorrhage 4-5 hours ago

2. Medulla spinalis compression: Increases CSF protein too much

3. Those that increase protein in tuberculous meningitis CSF fluid:

 Meningitis (including carcinomatous meningitis)

 Bloody CSF (subarachnoid and intraventricular hemorrhage)

 Compression of the spinal cord 

 Guillain-Barré syndrome

 Diabetic radiculoneuropathy

 Myxedema

Those that reduce protein in CSF fluid:

1. CSF leak due to previous LP

2. Traumatic dural fistula leak

3. Pseudotumor cerebri (may also be normal)

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