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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Related Disorders

group of diseases newly defined in the DSM S:

o Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

o Body dysmorphic disorder

o Hair pulling disorder (trichotillomania)

o Skin picking disorder

o hoarding disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder

• Impulses and thoughts that the patient cannot avoid despite knowing that they are absurd and meaningless:

 obsession

• Mental or bodily movements to reduce these impulses and thoughts:

 Characterized by compulsion

• Contamination-hand washing OCD is seen most frequently.

• Other examples of obsessions and compulsions:

 Doubt and control

 Symmetry

 Counting

• Low serotonergic activity plays an important role in its pathophysiology.

• The first drug option is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

• The most effective drug is clomipramine.

• It is necessary to use drugs in higher doses and for a longer period of time compared to depression.

• Some atypical antipsychotics with serotonin antagonism may increase obsessions.

• Associated diseases:

 Impulse control disorders

 Tourette's syndrome (tic disease)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

• While it is among the somatoform disorders in DSM IV TR, it is classified as OCD and related disorders in DSM S.

• There is a perception of a defect or handicap that will not be considered by others in the external appearance and excessive preoccupation with this perception.

• This defect is fictitious or very slight compared to others.

• The basis of the disorder is a strong fear and belief of being unattractive or unattractive.

• Surgical, dermatological, dental and other medical applications for this defect almost always fail.

Hair Pulling Disorder (Trichotillomania)

• It is characterized by repetitive hair pulling behavior that can lead to significant hair loss.

• While it is among impulse control disorders in DSM IV TR, it is classified as 0CD and related disorders in DSM S.

Skin Picking Disorder

• It is characterized by repetitive skin picking behavior that can cause significant tissue damage.

Hoarding disorder

• There is difficulty in disposing of possessions or severing relations with them.

• This difficulty results in objects piling up, piling up and falling out of their intended use.

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