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Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

• It develops after severe psychological or physical trauma.

• The traumatic event is experienced over and over again with thoughts.

• Dreaming of the event and sleep disturbances are common.

• The behavior of avoiding the factors that remind the event develops.

• Diagnosis is made AFTER 1 MONTHS after trauma.

• If a month has not passed yet, the diagnosis is acute stress disorder in the same symptoms.

• Psychotherapy, antidepressants, sedatives, muscle relaxants and hypnotic drugs are used in the treatment.

• There is an attention disorder.

Acute Stress Disorder

• Similar to post-traumatic stress disorder.

• It takes 2 days-4 weeks.

• Antidepressant medication is not started as it may enter spontaneous remission.

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