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Rett's Disorder

It is common in girls.

Acquired microcephaly, purposeful hand use disorder and stereotyped behaviors are present.

The most important feature of Rett disorder is the development of multiple specific disorders following a normal period of functioning after birth.

Between five and 48 months, head growth may slow down.

Coordination is impaired in walking or body movements, there are severe disorders in verbal expression and language perception, as well as severe psychomotor slowdown.

The disorder usually shows 4 stages: 

Early onset at 3-6 months

1 -4 years regression phase, relatively regular course and late motor deterioration

Between the ages of 3 months and 3 years, there is a decrease or loss in the skills gained in the areas of purposeful hand movement, language and communication.

The main feature of Rett syndrome is intense, sometimes repetitive, stereotypical hand movements.

While awake, repetitive hand movements such as hand washing, clapping, hitting can be observed.

Dystonia may be prominent and as it grows, rigidity and bradykinesia are observed.

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