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Pregnancy-Associated Disorders (Baby Sadness - Postpartum Depression And Psychosis)

Baby Sadness

It is also called the postpartum blues or motherhood blues.

It is the most common postpartum mental disorder (30-75%)

Crying, restlessness, mood swings are seen.

It starts in the first days after birth and ends within 2 weeks.

Hormonal changes and heavy sense of responsibility play a role in its etiology.

There is no need for treatment other than mother's education and support.

Postpartum Depression

It is seen in 10-15% of births.

It usually begins within the first 3 months after birth.

It can last for months if left untreated.

Depressed mood, intense anxiety, sleep disorders, appetite changes are seen.

There may be thoughts of suicide or harming the baby.

In treatment, psychotherapy, antidepressant drugs, ECT in severe cases can be used.

Postpartum Psychosis

Its frequency is 1-2 per 1000 births.

About half of the cases are seen at first birth.

It almost always occurs within 2 months of birth.

Depressive symptoms, skepticism, obsessive preoccupations with the baby's health, delusions such as the baby's death or that he has never given birth may be seen.

There may be auditory hallucinations that tell the patient to harm himself or the baby.

It is a psychiatric emergency. Antipsychotics, antidepressants and lithium are used in the treatment.

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