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Grief Or Mourning

0 Grief describes the emotional, cognitive, behavioral and bodily responses to the loss of a loved object.

0 Loss (bereavement) means separation resulting from the death of a loved one.

0 Grief describes the subjective feelings and behaviors that manifest themselves with the realization that the loss is irreversible.

0 Mourning is social expressions of mourning, such as funerals, grave visits, and other rituals.

The Relationship Between Grief and Major Depression

• While there is a real loss of object in grief, in depression the individual may or may not describe a real loss.

• In some individuals, major depression develops after the loss. In this case, the grief has been complicated.

Distinction between loss-related depressive symptoms and major depression


Major Depressive Disorder

Symptoms may meet the criteria for major depression syndrome, but guilt, worthlessness, suicidal ideation, or psychomotor retardation are rare.

It could be all the symptoms in the DSM-5.

It is triggered by thoughts or reminders of the deceased.

Dysphoria is autonomous. It is independent of thoughts or reminders of the deceased.

Begins within 2 months of extinction

starts at any time

Depressive symptoms do not last longer than 2 months.

Depression becomes chronic, intermittent or episodic

The dysfunction is temporary and mild.

There is clinically significant dysfunction

There is no family history or history of major depression.

Has a family history or history of major depression

Response in End Stage Patients

It was studied by Elisabeth-Kübler-Ross and divided into 5 phases. Patients may not go through all of the stages or may not follow the sequence.

0 Stage 1 (shock and denial): The patient's first reaction to the news is shock. The patient does not accept his death.

0 Stage 2 (anger): The patient is extremely tense and angry. He always says "why me".

0 Stage 3 (bargaining): Makes bargains such as "I'll get better, I'll do this, I'll be a good person".

0 Stage 4 (depression): The patient shows clinical signs of depression. They may have suicidal thoughts.

0 Stage 5 (acceptance): The patient accepts that he will die and accepts his universality.

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