difficult airway
Markers for difficult mask ventilation
55 years and older
Body mass index > 26 kg/m2
Absence of teeth
History of snoring
Markers for difficult airway
Obstructive sleep apnea, history of snoring, obesity
Wide neck circumference
Thyromental distance less than 7 cm with head extended
High Mallampati scores
Big language
Inability of the mandible to protrude or lower teeth ahead of the upper teeth
Face and neck deformity from previous surgery
Head and neck trauma
Previous head and neck radiation
Head and neck congenital anomalies
Rheumatoid arthritis
Down syndrome
Cervical spine diseases and previous surgery
Mallampati classification
Class 1: The soft palate, uvula and pleats can be seen.
Class 2: The soft palate and uvula are visible.
Class 3: The soft palate and base of the uvula are visible.
Class 4: The soft palate cannot be seen.
Difficult ventilation and difficult intubation should be expected in Mallampati class IV.
Cormac and Lehane classification
Grade 1: The entire glottis is visible.
Grade 2: Glottis partially visible.
Grade 3: Only the epiglottis is visible.
Grade 4: The epiglottis is also not visible.