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Euthanasia And Identification


• It is the termination of the life of a person who cannot be healed by medical means and who is in unbearable pain.

• Active Euthanasia: It is the injection of lethal dose of drugs or anesthetic substance to the patient by the physician after deep sedation.

• Passive Euthanasia: It is the physician's discontinuation of the patient's artificial support and medication.

• Voluntar Euthanasia: It is the euthanasia that is performed according to one's own will and desire.

• Involuntar Euthanasia: It is a form of euthanasia applied at the request of a relative against the person's own will and desire.

• Doctors are not given the right to end life, even if the patients and their relatives consent, and it is considered within the scope of the crime of willful homicide.


• The features that enable a person to be recognized, identified and distinguished from other people are called identity, and this process is called identification.

• Forensic identification is completed by showing the relatives and acquaintances (exposing the corpse) and being recognized by them, after the evaluation of various documents on the person.

• One of the most important findings used for identification is fingerprint.

• Age determination is important for identification. Used for age determination:

 General view of the body

 Height and weight

 Teeth

 Bone age

 bristles

Euthanasia And Identification

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