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Sudden Unexpected Deaths

 • According to the definition of the World Health Organization, deaths occurring within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.

• There are various definitions of sudden unexpected death:

 Sudden death: It is the sudden death of a person whose existing disease is unknown to him and his environment.

 Unexpected death: It is the death of a seemingly healthy person suddenly getting sick without being diagnosed.

 Suspicious death: It is the death of a person who does not have a known disease or who is not in a condition to cause a fatal complication of this disease.

• Factors in sudden unexpected deaths may be:

 An acute and serious complication of a systemic disease

 Acute or late complication of a previous trauma

 Acute or late complication of a forgotten or neglected trauma

 Intoxications

• Findings to be encountered as a result of autopsy in sudden unexpected deaths can be divided into 3 main groups:

1- Deaths caused by natural causes:

 Lesions that do not allow the continuation of life can be detected (such as aortic aneurysm rupture)

 Severe lesions that can cause death but allow life to continue (such as coronary artery diseases)

2- Deaths caused by unnatural causes:

 Lesions formed as a result of severe injuries that will inevitably end life (such as large subdural hematoma and associated tonsillar herniation)

 Lesions that can result in death, but not necessarily death (such as medulla spinalis cuts)

3- Deaths due to undetermined causes:

 Conditions without a remarkable autopsy finding in the organs macroscopically

 Cases with nonspecific organ findings at autopsy

• Sudden unexpected deaths are mostly caused by cardiovascular system diseases, second most frequently by central nervous system diseases.

Sudden Unexpected Deaths

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