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direct graphs

• Nerve tissue and parenchyma cannot be shown with X-ray.

• Cranium and vertebral column are examined.

• Outdated in the patient who came to the emergency room.

Computed Tomography

• The main indication for CT in neuroradiology is acute hemorrhage. The first examination in the evaluation of acute cerebral hemorrhage is CT.

• Today, vascular malformations and aneurysms can be detected with multislice CT method and 3D reconstruction imaging without catheter angiography.

• With CT cisternography, the source of rhinorrhea can be detected by giving iodinated contrast to the subarachnoid space.


• Evaluation of the vascular structures in the cranium by administering contrast material into the artery and vein.

• Structures called metallic coils are filled into the aneurysm and thrombus is formed. The neck of the aneurysm is closed.

• Embolizing agents can be administered in arteriovenous malformations or fistulas.

• Vascular stenosis can be opened with a balloon.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

• Very clear images are taken, especially in soft tissue.

• It is the best imaging method in the diagnosis of demyelinating diseases.

• It is also superior to CT in the evaluation of brain masses.

• Diffusion MR is the first and best test in the evaluation of acute ischemia. Contrast is not used in diffusion MRI.


• From the neonatal period to the period when the fontanelles are open, ventricular structures, hemorrhages into the parenchyma, and congenital anomalies can be visualized on Transfontanel USG.

• The main indication for transfontanel USG in newborns and premature babies is subependymal germinal matrix bleeding.

• Color Doppler USG is used for pathologies of the carotid and vertebral vessels before they enter the brain.

• It is used to evaluate the presence of direction of flow (subclavian steal) in the vertebral artery.

Medulla Spinalis Imaging

• In congenital anomalies: MRI

• Evaluation of bone pathology in spinal cord traumas: Direct X-ray (first) + CT (best)

• In spinal cord evaluation in medulla spinalis traumas: MRI

• Vascular pathologies: Angiography

• Disc pathologies: MRI 

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