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Organ and Tissue Transplants And Scientific Research on Humans

Scientific Research on Humans

Organ and Tissue Transplants

General provisions according to the law regulating organ and tissue transplantations:

Auto grafts, hair and skin transplantation, blood transfusion are excluded.

The purchase and sale of organs and tissues in return for price and profit is prohibited.

If the organ donor is alive;

 Must be over 18 years old.

 He must be mentally stable.

 The risks and benefits to the buyer should be clarified.

Married donors must have prepared a report stating that their spouses have been informed.

Transfers that are thought to be in return for cost and benefit should be rejected.

Confidentiality of donor and recipient should be maintained, except in cases of blood and medical or personal affinity.

In those at risk of ending or endangering the donor's life, transplants should be refused.

Analyzes and examinations should be made to determine the health status of donors and recipients before transplantation. Health institutions should have adequate personnel and equipment for transport.

If the organ to be removed does not survive;

 The diagnosis of brain death must be scientifically established.

 Unless otherwise stated, permission must be obtained from the spouse, minor children, parents or siblings of the deceased.

 Only the cornea can be removed without consent. On the contrary, other organs and tissues cannot be removed in the declaration.

Scientific Research on Humans

Physicians must comply with certain legal procedures while conducting scientific research.

the primary condition for experiments on humans is to obtain the consent of the person and to be over the age of 18.

The consent based on adequate information about the content and results of the experiment should be expressed in writing by the patient and there should be no expectation of benefit.

Permission must be obtained from the authorized committees and authorities regarding the experiment.

The experiment must first be performed in a non-human experimental environment or on a sufficient number of animals.

The experiment should not have a predictable harmful and lasting effect on human health.

Care should be taken not to apply methods that are significantly painful to the person during the experiment.

The balance of profit and loss between the aim to be achieved with the experiment and the burden it imposes on the subjects and the danger on the health of the individuals should be well thought out.

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