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Bone and Joint Tuberculosis: Pott disease And Spina Ventosa

0 It most commonly develops secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis.

0 The most common causative agent is Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

0 Bacilli that come through the blood are most commonly located in the vertebral metaphysis and epiphyses.

0 If it spreads to the adjacent joint, granulation filling (pannus) occurs in the synovium, causing destruction of the underlying articular cartilage and subchondral bone.

0 Causes abscess in joints and bones; It is called cold abscess since it does not show signs of inflammation such as heat increase and redness at the beginning.

Mall De Pott (Vertebra TB) Pott disease 

• It is most common in the thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae.

• First, it settles in the vertebral corpuscles and causes corpus destruction. It then spreads to neighboring vertebrae.

• May cause localized kyphosis (GIBBUS).

• It generally spreads anteriorly and downwards with the effect of gravity.

• In the lumbar region, the abscess may spread to the inguinal region by moving down along the psoas muscle.


The joint space narrows.

Subchondral bone destruction

cold abscess

Localized kyphosis (Gibbus)

Treatment: Anti-TB drugs, drainage, surgery

Spina Ventosa (TB Dactylitis)

• It is tbc most commonly seen in the phalanges and causes swelling in the fingers.

• Radiologically: there is expansion in the phalanx, periosteal reaction and cyst appearance in the bone.

• Anti-TBC therapy and immobilization are used in the treatment. 

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