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Acute Septic Arthritis (Pyogenic Arthritis) And Gonococcal Arthritis

Acute Septic Arthritis (Pyogenic Arthritis)

0 Infection of the joint space.

0 It is most common in children around 4 years of age.

0 It is most common in the hip and knee joints.

0 It can be seen in adults in diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, use of immunosuppressive drugs such as steroids and alcoholism.

0 The most common causative agent is S. aureus.

0 The most common cause of prosthesis is S. epidermidis.

0 Clinical: Fever, weakness, joint pain, swelling, temperature increase and limitation of movement

0 Diagnosis: PMNL is seen in joint aspiration, total protein is elevated and glucose is decreased.

0 Radiology:

• Enlargement of joint space

• Enlargement of the surrounding soft tissue

• Cambering in the capsule area

• Joint trabeculation damage

• Osteoporosis in the surrounding bones

Treatment: Drainage + Antibiotic + Resting the joint in a fixed position

Gonococcal Arthritis

0 It usually develops following acute gonorrheal urethritis.

0 Polyarticular arthritis most commonly affects the knees, wrists, and ankles.

0 It starts as polyarthritis, becomes monoarthritis. 

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