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Home uncategorized High-Risk Pregnancies

High-Risk Pregnancies


. Poverty
. Lack of health insurance
. unemployment
. Poor prenatal care

Cultural - Behavioral

. Insufficient education level
. being unmarried
. Inadequate health care
. Short interval between pregnancies
. Lack of prenatal care
. lack of social support
. Smoking, alcohol, substance abuse
. Stress (physical, psychological)
. less than 20 years old, over 40 years old
. to be black

Biological - Genetic

. Prior history of delivering a low birth weight or preterm baby
. malnutrition
. Inbreeding (autosomal recessive?)
. Low weight for height
. Intergenerational interaction
. Insufficient weight gain during pregnancy
. Low birth weight of the mother
. Short hieght
. Hereditary diseases (hereditary metabolic diseases)


. previous cesarean section history
. Preeclampsia or eclampsia
. history of infertility
. Uterine bleeding (abruptio placenta, placenta previa)
. Conceiving with assisted reproductive techniques
. Parity (O or > 5)
. prolonged pregnancy act
. Uterine or cervical anomalies
. prolonged birth
. fetal disease
. Cerebral palsy, mental retardation, birth trauma, congenital anomaly in the previous baby
. idiopathic premature birth
. abnormal fetal growth
. iatrogenic prematurity
. breech presentation
. Low or high maternal serum a - fetoprotein level
. multiple pregnancies
. premature rupture of membranes
. Infections (systemic, amniotic, extra - amniotic, cervical)


. diabetes mellitus
. TORCH infection
. Hypertension
. Accompanied by surgery or trauma
. Congenital heart disease
. sexually transmitted disease
. autoimmune disease
. susceptibility to maternal thrombosis
. sickle cell anemia
. drug exposure
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