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Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy

Definition and clinical table
It is a microvesicular fatty infiltration of the liver, usually seen in the third trimester.
• It is a disease characterized by liver failure and hepatic encephalopathy.
• Its mortality is quite high.
• Findings compatible with preeclampsia and eclampsia may accompany patients.
• On physical examination, jaundice, hypertension, edema and ascites may be present.

• Prolongation of hypofibrinogenemia, PTZ and aPTT can be seen.
• It is accompanied by hypoglycemia (important distinction from HELLP syndrome) and leukocytosis.
• AST and ALT may increase 3 to 10 times the upper limit.
• Direct bilirubin increased (> 5 mg/dl).
• Elevation of serum uric acid levels is a typical feature of the disease.

• Labor should be induced as soon as possible.
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