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Congenital Development and Shape Disorders of the Eyelid


• Absence of eyelid


It is often the absence of the medial part of the eyelid. Embryologically, colobomas of the iris, lens, choroid, retina, and optic nerve can be seen outside the eyelid.


A semilunar skin fold in the medial part of the eye (Mongolian eye).

It causes the appearance of false inward strabismus (pseudostrabismus), especially in newborns and early childhood.


They are adhesions between the lid conjunctiva and the bulbus conjunctiva. It occurs secondary to diseases such as chemical burns (Alkaline>Acid), Stevens-Johnson syndrome, ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, trachoma, herpes zoster, atopic keratoconjunctivitis, scleroderma and graft versus host disease. 

Congenital Development and Shape Disorders of the Eyelid

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