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Compartment Syndrome

• Compartments limited to osseofacial structures and containing muscle and neurovascular structures are called compartment syndrome.

• Most common cause of compartment syndrome in adults: Tibia fracture

• The most common compartment syndrome in children: Humerus supracondylar fracture


• Trauma (fracture, edema, hematoma)

• Tumor

• Burn

• Snake bite

• Angioneurotic edema


• Venous congestion occurs when the intracompartmental pressure exceeds 30 mmHg.

• Ischemia develops due to arteriolar spasm.

• The first symptom is deep severe pain. This pain does not go away with simple analgesics and immobilization.

• Since the spasm is at the arteriolar level in the early period, a pulse can be taken. In the later period, 5P symptoms appear.

• Therefore, early distal pulse does not rule out compartment syndrome.

• Circular Plaster must be checked for the development of compartment syndrome in the first 24 hours.

• Surgical decompression is required urgently in the treatment and fasciotomy is applied for this purpose. 

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